過去の公演-Past Performance-

THE Kodomoyose vol.2

2/2/2008 (Sat)
Rakugo – Kokontei Kikushin
Iromono – Mimasu Remon(Edokyokugoma)
Amezaiku – Igarashi Shunsuke
Tokyo Shishimai club members
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    [Pre-performance Mini Fair day – lobby version.]

    If you win against the staff at the mini spinning top competition, you can get candy as a prize.
    The children suddenly become motivated to win. The fathers get fired up at the shooting game. We work to ensure parents and children will be able to enjoy the event together.

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    [Pre-performance Mini Fair day – stage version.]

    On the stage, Shunsuke Igarashi shows how to make candy art and also has some for sale. Many children want to get a closer look! He also takes requests and it takes 5-6 minutes to make each piece.

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    [Zenza – Shishimai]

    Everyone was really excited to see the rare Shishimai performance. There was a huge round of applause for the 12 members who did an overwhelming performance from the music to
    the lifting. During the parade in the final performance, Ohineri (wrapped coins) were being thrown.

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    [First Rakugo performance – Hatsutenjin]

    We just had the First Tenjin and the program was perfectly selected for this season. Master Kikushin, who even took part in the NHK educational program called “Ehon Yose“, kept the attention of the children by perfectly using his voice and expressions to fit the roles he was playing.

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    [Iromono – Edokyokugoma]

    Could the art of simply spinning a top itself be so rare? The children couldn’t take their eyes off it from the very start. The performer took advantage of their attention to talk to the audience and pull off some difficult spinning top stunts on top of things like swords and folding fans.
    The audience gasped at the sight.

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    [Second Rakugo performance – Nezumi]

    The Master performed as “the rat” from the Chinese zodiac story. The children listened to the story, looked at the illustrations and were pulled into the Rakugo world as their senses were overwhelmed by the Master’s expressions.


